Back to news... 30 November 2010 Parcel Packaging Guidelines
A mailing company will never want to delay or return your packages. One thing you should take care of is to read the company's instructions regarding packaging and shipment. Failure to follow those instructions can cause the loss of your items, damage of package, or wrong delivery.
We shall make it easier for you with some instructions:
Please Ensure That We Will Accept Your Parcel:
Restrictions and prohibitions are mentioned in the company's instruction guide page. You can follow them to save yourself any delays or damages to your packages. A customer will sign a paper receipt to agree to our terms and conditions. For an international delivery, package contents have to be written on a customs page.
Wrap All Items In Each Parcel Individually:
Easily breakable items should be wrapped individually in polythene foam for better safety. Try to place each item in a pack surrounded by the inner box and then try to wrap them in a bubble wrap. An item having large parts must be untied and each part should also be well wrapped. For outer wrapping, a rigid box is preferred.
Check movement of items in transit:
Movement of items during the transit can cause damage. Sensitive items should be packed in such a way that they should not even touch the carton sides.
Check Your Carton Safety:
The packing capacity of any carton can be checked by comparing the capacity table in the company's user manual. You should use an appropriate carton according to weight to save from any transit damages. If the package is found poorly packed, no compensation will be awarded.
Fully Sealed Parcel:
No edge of a package should remain open, other than one. Seal them with a wide plastic carton tape from all sides. Adhesive tapes that are normally used in the home cannot support your packages adequately. The last edge should only be sealed once the courier has checked your parcel on collection.
Electrical Items Caution:
While packing an electrical item like a laptop, make sure that it is switched off. You can also mark your box as "fragile" for necessary protection. Check that all screws are fixed to ensure the protection for inner tools and parts.
Clear and Correct Addresses:
The accurate and clear address of the sender and recipient is necessary to ensure early and correct delivery of your packages. Post code and contact numbers should be mentioned inside and also outside the pack.
Label Your Goods:
Don't use glue or other adhesives to attach labels to the parcel because they are usually detached during transit. You have to use a plastic envelope to attach labels to your cartons. You are best to tie, or taped down all four sides the envelope to the package for better safety.
Transit of Hazardous or restricted Goods:
Not everything can be transported by a delivery service company. Check to make sure that your goods aren't included on the company's hazardous or restricted list. If they are you'll have to contact the delivery service to establish how your goods can be delivered; this is particularly pertinent to hazardous or restricted items being sent over seas.
Correct Documentation:
Complete all prescribed documentation for each of your parcels. Contents, names, exact addresses and weight should be mentioned on all packages and should be clearly detectable.