Back to news... 08 March 2011 Packing Your Parcel Properly
With all parcel delivery, you often hear the horror stories of a parcel being delivered damaged. The sad thing is that the parcel courier usually gets the blame, often when it's not their fault. Many parcels are poorly packaged, meaning even the journey out the front door can be dangerous for the items inside. Packages have to be securely wrapped and with sufficient packaging to be able to make any journey safely - without this, even the most careful of deliveries will still end up being damaged, so you need to do your part to help out in the delivery process, ensuring that we can do our job properly at the same time.
The basics are simple, but often not followed correctly. Your parcel should be so well packaged that you can shake the parcel up and down vigorously, safe in the knowledge that everything will be safe. If you're not confident to do that, then it's not well packaged enough! Bear in mind that especially with international deliveries, that your parcel will be on a variety of transport methods, from air to sea to land - so you need to get your packaging right first time!
Choose a suitable cardboard box firstly, not too big and not too small; your item should be able to fit in the box with only a few centimetres between the item and the sides of the box.
Once you've done that, the next part is simple; invest in some bubble wrap, old newspaper, foam chips, or anything soft, lightweight and able to fill a space dynamically. All of the examples given can be shaped to fit into the space between the item and the box, and your main priority is to make sure that the product you're sending is so snug in amongst all the packaging, that it won't move around whatsoever. That said, be careful not to crush the item; don't package it too tightly, but make sure it's a snug fit.
With all the above in mind, you can help the courier as much as they're trying to help you - too many parcels are collected poorly packaged and with no hope of making the journey - make sure yours isn't one of them!