Back to news... 05 May 2011 Worldwide Parcel Services - Track A Parcel
With every parcel delivery comes a tracking code. Whether using DHL or DPD, and whether sending your parcel by road, air or sea, we provide full online tracking to make sure you can follow your parcel delivery every step of the way. We can't provide an ETA for your delivery, but with our detailed tracking, you can understand at which stage of delivery your parcel may be at any given moment.
Finding Your Tracking Code
Typically the tracking code for DHL parcels is found underneath or above the barcode. The number will vary depending on the DHL service you're using - for example UK Parcels use a different code to the tracking code used for Euro Road.
DHL UK Parcels: A 10 Digit Number underneath the barcode on your Airway Bill.
DHL Euro Road: A 19 Digit Number starting with JJD on your Airway Bill.
DHL International: A 10 Digit Number underneath the barcode on your Airway Bill.
DPD use a different tracking code to DHL. Again this will be on your Airway bill, just underneath the barcode. DPD tracking is provided for their European service only, as such finding your tracking code is that bit simpler than with DHL shipments.
DHL European: A 9 Digit Number underneath the barcode on your Airway Bill.
Tracking Your Parcel
Once you've found your tracking code, you've only got one simple step left to go - enter the code into our Parcel Tracking system, and away you go.
Our parcel tracking page is split into four areas depending on the service you're using - whether you're using DPD or DHL, and whether your parcel is being sent within the UK, within Europe or Internationally, it's simple. Enter your tracking code into the appropriate area, and click 'Track'.
From there, the status of your parcel delivery will be shown, allowing you to track your parcel's every movement; whether it's in the back of the delivery van, or if it's already made its way to the destination.
Any questions or having difficulty tracking your parcel? Get in Contact with us and we'll be happy to help.