Back to news... 23 May 2011 Ash Clouds Ahead
Around this time last year, flights across Europe were halted by a similar event, as Iceland witnessed a huge volcanic eruption, sending ash miles into the sky. The ash clouds formed were enough to ground flights for days, seeing a huge hit to the profits of flight companies and businesses unable to perform their regular duties.
This morning it has been announced that once more, around the same time as last year, we are looking at the prospect of an ash cloud heading our way, providing potential delays for flights in both the UK and Europe. The full story can be seen on the Reuters website. The volcano, Grimsvotn, in Iceland started to erupt as early as Saturday, but the effects of the ash being thrown up high into the sky have only just been realised. Although officials say it is too early to tell whether Europe will be affected, the Air Traffic Control Organisation have stated that if volanic ash is continually emitted at its present rate, that we should see an ash cloud over France and Spain by Thursday. Decisions would then be taken by officials to determine whether flights are viable, depending on the thickness and path of the ash cloud itself.
As a result, and with the knowledge of last year's similar event, we are urging customers that if you are looking to send a parcel to Europe in the coming few days; to act quickly. If the ash cloud is deemed enough of a threat to air traffic that planes are grounded, parcel deliveries will of course also be affected, with land and sea being the only viable methods of delivery. Therefore to avoid disappointment, especially if your parcel is urgent; don't delay, and get your parcel booked today.