Back to news... 03 March 2025 Cheapest way to send parcels to Germany?
When you are preparing to ship your items to Germany, surcharges are applied over certain weight and size points, so its good to know what these are.
If you keep your individual parcel sizes within the criteria below, you will ensure that you get the cheapest price for your large parcels to Germany.
1. Do not exceed 100cm on the longest side
2. Do not exceed 25 kilos in weight
3. Do not exceed 76cm on 2 sides
4. Do not exceed 280cm in girth (girth = L+ (2xw) + (2x H))
For example, one 30 kilos parcel 40 x 30 x 50cm costs around 60% more than if split in to, two 15 kilo 40 x 35 x 25cm parcels, so it is worth staying within the dimensions stated whenever you are able.
On occasion, we know it will not be possible for you to keep your package within these sizes, but at Worldwide Parcel Services, we can of course, still ship these large parcels to Germany at very competitive prices.
We ship individual parcels to Germany by road service up to 500 kilos in weight with a maximum length of 240cm. By air service, we can ship up to 300 kilos in weight with a maximum length of 300cm.
We can ship consignments of large parcels to Germany by air and road totalling 1000 kilos. Get an instant quote here.